Ganden Ling KMC is part of the New Kadampa Tradition – International Kadampa Buddhist Union (NKT-IKBU) (Charity Number (England) 1085175).
Thursdays 10.30am– 11.30am
with Traci Finch
Everyone is welcome. No previous experience required.
– Drop-in classes
– No need to book
– Join at any time
Autumn Classes
FREE Public Talk – How to Develop Inner Peace through Meditation
Thursday 5th September
Click here for more details and to book
How to Be Happy All the Time
Sept 12, 19 ,26 | Oct 3
Do you want to be miserable, upset, frustrated, overwhelmed or discontent?
If we were able, wouldn’t we always choose to be happy?
Of course! And we can spend so much energy trying to achieve that wish.
Until we understand where happiness really comes from, unfortunately our wish remains out of reach, and we tend to satisfy ourselves with a few moments of enjoyment when we can.
In this short series of meditation classes we start to look at where happiness really comes from, and how to begin to create the causes to be happy – eventually all the time.
The course will introduce practical methods and meditations to develop peace and contentment in daily life
Training in Meditation
Oct 10, 17, 24
Learn how to start a regular meditation practice and ensure your meditation brings good results
Understanding your Mind
Nov 14, 21, 28 | Dec 5, 12 , 17
Through understanding what our mind is and how it works, we can start to learn how to control our mind, directing it towards positive, helpful thoughts
Just drop in, £5 per class
Venue: Pendennis Community Centre, Castle Drive, Falmouth TR11 4NG
What can I expect at a class?
Suitable for all, our weekly classes are arranged in short courses designed to give you a deep experience of a meditation topic. You can also drop into an individual class if you prefer as each class is also self-contained.
Each class comprises a talk and two guided meditations. At the end of the class, you will have a chance to ask questions to the class teacher. You do not need to be Buddhist or have prior experience of meditation.
We sit on chairs and no physical exercise is involved.
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