Ganden Ling KMC is part of the New Kadampa Tradition – International Kadampa Buddhist Union (NKT-IKBU) (Charity Number (England) 1085175).
Wednesdays 7pm – 8.30pm
with Kelsang Yonchen
Everyone is welcome. No previous experience required.
– Drop-in classes
– No need to book
– Join at any time
The Healing Power of Acceptance
June 5, 12, 19, 26 | July 3, 10, 17
We can spend so much of our time and energy trying to control things within our lives, and suffer greatly when things dont go the way that we want.
By learning the profound methods of patient acceptance, we heal our own inner pain and improve our relationships with others. Eventually we will be able to remain peaceful and happy no matter what circumstances we find ourselves in, and we will be truly free
This drop-in course will present powerful methods to help heal our mind through the power of patient acceptance. It will include meditations and teachings coming from Buddhist wisdom.
Autumn Classes
FREE Public Talk – How to Develop Inner Peace through Meditation
Wednesday 4th September
Regular classes start Wed 11th September
The classes include practical teaching, meditations and an opportunity to ask questions
Just drop in, £7 per class
Ganden Ling Kadampa Meditation Centre, 9 St Mary’s Street, Truro, TR1 2AF
What can I expect at a class?
Suitable for all, our weekly classes are arranged in courses designed to give you a deep experience of a meditation topic. You can also drop into an individual class if you prefer as each class is also self-contained.
Each class comprises a talk and two guided meditations. At the end of the class, you will have a chance to ask questions to the class teacher. You do not need to be Buddhist or have prior experience of meditation.
We sit on chairs and no physical exercise is involved.
About the Teacher
Kelsang Yonchen is the resident teacher of Ganden Ling KBC. She is known for her kindness and clear, practical teachings.